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Shared Endevaour Fund: Call Three Evaluation Report

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Since 2020, the Mayor of London’s Shared Endeavour Fund has supported community and civil society organisations in countering the spread of extremism and radicalisation in the capital, while empowering Londoners to stand up to intolerance and hate. Following two successful funding rounds in 2020 and 2021, Mayor Khan launched Call Three in 2022, awarding £725,000 of grants for 22 projects.

This report provides an evaluation of Call Three of the Shared Endeavour Fund and assesses the fidelity of grantees’ project activities as well as their effectiveness in contributing to the priority themes of the Fund. The evaluation employed a mixed methods approach and included a quantitative survey of beneficiary outcomes and a qualitative review of grantees’ project applications and reporting. The beneficiary surveys were built from a suite of 15 peer-reviewed or otherwise-validated survey instruments and were deployed using a retrospective pre-test/post-test research design. In total, a sample of 4,455 survey responses were collected from across the project portfolio. Likewise, a document review of grantees’ applications and reporting was conducted to assess the fidelity, relevance and quality of implementation of Shared Endeavour Fund projects. It also provided information for a series of case studies illustrating the findings of the evaluation.

The evaluation found that Shared Endeavour Fund projects had a significant impact on Londoners, reaching over 31,000 individuals in 31 London boroughs. The projects successfully increased Londoners’ awareness and understanding of intolerance, hate and extremism, and the impact of these issues on communities. Londoners strengthened protective factors associated with resilience to radicalisation and extremist recruitment among vulnerable individuals (e.g. emotional resilience, tolerance of difference, sense of belonging). The projects also encouraged beneficiaries to adopt prosocial behaviours that challenge intolerance and hate (e.g. hate incident reporting and bystander intervention), while equipping frontline practitioners with the skills and abilities to carry out prevention activities in schools and communities.