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Global Crises, Local Impacts

Global Crises, Local Impacts Initiative

In late 2023, Strong Cities began receiving requests from member and non-member cities across Europe and North America for guidance and opportunities to share and learn from each other as they navigate the local impacts of global crises. In the absence of an existing relevant playbook or guidelines for mayors and cities, Strong Cities launched a new Global Crises, Local Impacts Initiative.

Strong Cities Network roundtable with Mayors and others.

Navigating Local Impacts

How mayors, city councils and other sub-national government leaders and bodies manage these local impacts can have significant long-term impacts on the connective tissue that binds disparate communities in our diverse cities. Through consultations with members and non-member cities, Strong Cities developed a policy brief articulating ten considerations for leaders as they navigate these local impacts, including:

  1. Do no harm
  2. Speak out against all incidents of hate and facilitate reporting
  3. Activate city’s rapid response/crisis management mechanisms
  4. Be alert to events and dynamics that can impact/trigger
  5. Consider carefully whether city resolutions, public statements or demonstrations of support will unite or further divide
  6. Create a safe space for voices to be heard
  7. Prioritise inclusivity: make the city a safe harbour for all
  8. Managing protests and balancing free speech with public safety
  9. Ensure consistent and inclusive public communications
  10. Learn from this crisis how to better handle the next

Sharing Challenges & Approaches

To further facilitate city learning and exchange, Strong Cities launched a monthly webinar series for mayors and other city officials to share how global crises are manifesting in their communities and steps they are taking to navigate and respond.

The Global Crises, Local Impacts webinars series provides a important platform through which mayors, city officials and local practitioners can develop a deeper understanding of how global crises can impact local communities and social cohesion, and be inspired by and learn from practices and approaches other cities facing similar challenges are taking.

Key Findings & Recommendations

The Global Crises, Local Impacts webinar series has – to date – convened more than 1000 mayors, other local leaders and city officials, and subject-matter experts to date. We are excited to share a compilation of key findings and recommendations for cities for navigating the local impacts of global crises, including:

  • Facilitating dialogue and creating safe spaces
  • Finding the right balance between free expression and ensuring public safety
  • Engaging youth, young adults and educational institutions proactively
  • Understanding the needs of, and communicating with, residents and impacted communities
  • Building partnerships that can withstand the shocks from global crises
  • A role for cities in countering online and offline harms: digital literacy, digital citizenship and more

Is your city a Strong City?

Strong Cities membership is open to local authorities at the city, municipal or other subnational level. Membership is free of charge.